Sunday, January 18, 2009


My grandpa got out of the hospital Saturday afternoon. He is doing really well. He is very frustrated that he is not independent again yet but he will get there. He can't use his arm muscles because of the opening his chest. So pushing himself out of a chair and going to the bathroom he has to be helped. My Dad and Uncle are taking turns spending the night to help him and Grandma out. We are going over next weekend since a cold hit me this weekend. He will have a long recovery but they think he is doing exceptionally well for his age.
Mom is still doing her treatments. She has several weeks to go and then hopefully she will be done. They are talking about another possible surgery if the pain does not go away.
As for us we are ok. John is getting over strep throat from last week, I am not battling a cold and Abby is still as sassy as always. She is driving me nuts with the back talk and the not listening. UGH!

Oh and the snow melted some this weekend. We actually hit above 30 degrees! WOO HOO! It is like a heat wave!! Hopefully it continues.

1 comment:

Heather said...

OH. Girl -- we need to get together over a bottle of amaretto and talk about the sassy talkin' of our kids. It's driving me NUTSO!