Friday, July 13, 2007

Hug your little ones!

Sorry it has been so long. Life seems so hectic but let me say the last 2 days have really put life in perspective. Wednesday night about 8pm we got a horrible phone call. One of Abby's friends from daycare(gone together since they were both in diapers), who is also the son to the detective John works with for the past 10 years was ran over. He was life flighted and passed away yesterday. He was 7 years old! I am so sad. He was the sweetest little boy. Abby just adored him. When the bigger kids would pick on Abby, he was always right there to help her out. It is just so sad! I can't imagine going through what his parents are going through right now. Landon's neck was broken as well as his top vertabrae in his back. He had bleeding in the brain and was non responsive. They kept him on life support long enough to donate his organs. I just can't get over that Landon is gone. So hug your little ones. Those days that they are driving you crazy just be happy that they are there to drive you crazy.