Wednesday, October 10, 2007

First tooth gone

I don't have time to type much but had to stop and say that Abby finally lost her first tooth!!! WOO HOO! She no longer the "last one to loose a tooth!" LOL!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ok first I need to say sorry to you Heather--I have not had a moment to email you back. My new job is going well but extremely busy. To try to get these people used to having me as a boss has not been easy. The worst is one girl who has been there for 19 years. She has really caused havoc. But I am getting by. I have already fired my first person and rehired another. I have also made numerous changes. So hopefully it lightens up soon.

Last Saturday Abby had her other birthday party with her friends. We had it at the YMCA and it was so much fun. It was so nice to have them take care of everything!! She really raked it in! But as sassy she has been lately I am not sure if it was all deserved! She is driving me crazy! I have no idea what is up with her.

This weekend we kind of took it easy. Saturday we did some much needed cleaning. Then today(our 7th anniversary) we went out to Muskathine Lake and did some fishing and she played at the playground. It was a beautiful day. It has been pretty cold lately and today it was 80 again. So nice! We didn't catch any fish but it was so nice out. Then we ran into one of her friends there so she played with her at the playground.

Next weekend is "Child Free Weekend!" Now I love my daughter but I sooooooooooooooooooooo need a break! We are going to Lincoln to a Husker game and then to start some Christmas shopping. Rhonda is going to take Abby for the weekend. I can hardly wait!

Oh and our other big news! Abby has her 1st loose tooth FINALLY! We have heard 1000 times how EVERYBODY has lost a tooth except her! Of course now she is afraid to eat anything! UGH!

Ok pic time....

Monday, September 03, 2007

Ok i forgot back to school pics!

Bad Mom!

She was extremely crabby and nervous so I didn't get many good pics.

Ok it has been forever since I have posted. So much has happened. I got a huge promotion and work and have been extremely busy with that. I still have decided it is a good thing or not. I just need to weed out the bad apples. Abby started first grade and thinks it is "cool" There are 17 kids in her class and 14 of them are boys. OMG I pity her teacher! This past weekend was round one of the birthday bashes! The family came over and of course she raked it in as usual. Then Friday night (her actual birthday) we will take her out to eat. Saturday she has a party at the Y with 10 of her friends. That ought to be interesting! Oh it was also John's birthday yesterday. His gift should arrive Wednesday--a new flat screen HDTV! He is so excited! Of course now I won't get him away from the TV especially since he ordered the first 3 seasons of the Family Guy. UGH!

Ok pic time....

Oh and what birthday is not complete without a carnival!

Oh and her birthday pics we had taken....

Sunday, August 12, 2007

This past weekend we went to Sioux City for my side family reunion. We haven't had one since 1991! So it was nice to see everybody again. We left town about 1pm on Friday. We did some shopping Friday afternoon because 1st grade starts in 3 days!!!!!!! I can't believe she is going to be in the first grade but we will get back to that later! Saturday we went to the reunion with the lovely heat index of 115! UGH! So we spent about 3 hours there and went back to the hotel with the pool! 115 is a lot more bearable when you are in the pool! Sunday we went and had Abby's pictures taken for ther 6th birthday(which I also can't believe is coming up!) They turned out so cute. I can't wait to get them back. I found a cute speghetti strap haiwaiian slip dress with matching flip flops. We also left all her hair down which we normally don't do.
So anyway, Tuesday night we go to meet her teacher and see her classroom and Wednesday she starts school! I can't believe summer is almost over and that I am the mother of a first grader! What happened to my baby? We still need to decide what we are going to do for her birthday. We need to get those decisions made in the next week. UGH Life is just so hectic right now!
Anyway I will post some pics.... The first ones are of my niece Lauren and her "twin" My 2nd cousin Troy and his wife had Chloe 2 months after Lauren and I swear they could pass as twins! And considering both babies look like their Mom's really make you wonder!

And both of them in white sun dresses!

Now some of Abby...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Way to busy!

Ok sorry it has been so long. Life has been so busy. I am averaging 12 hr days at work and going in some over the weekend! I will be glad when it slows down!
Ok update...
The funeral for Landon was extremely hard. Abby took it pretty hard. At first she was very mad at him because he "didn't look both ways!" Then the questions started. Here are a few..
"When does he get his wings?"
"Does he know how to fly right away or does he go to school to learn?"
"If he knows how to fly does he go to school to learn to fly really fast?"
"Does he get a magic wand?"
"Who does he cuddle with if he has a bad dream?"
and they go on and on....

This past Friday we went to my Dad's retirement dinner. He retired at the age of 57 after 35 years with the same company! Mom and Dad wanted to keep Abby for 5 nights! Abby was pretty leary at first because she has never spent that kind of time away from us but she decided to go. Mom and Dad were going to take her and Taelyr and Kaelyn to Okoboji on Tuesday. So we left her there Friday night. It was pretty difficult to leave her! But I held it in. We were just about on the interstate to home and the cell phone rings. It is Abby crying. She wants us to come get her. I talked to her and told her we would come get her but that would mean she wouldn't get to go to Okoboji and do all the other fun stuff that was planned. After some hesitation she decided to stay. She was pretty tired at the time. So by Saturday she was fine. She made it the whole time! It was so quiet here! We got a lot of stuff done and she had a blast! She loved Okoboji and rode all the rides she was big enough for. They brought her back last night.

Work has been a complete zoo! I just want a nice easy week soon!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hug your little ones!

Sorry it has been so long. Life seems so hectic but let me say the last 2 days have really put life in perspective. Wednesday night about 8pm we got a horrible phone call. One of Abby's friends from daycare(gone together since they were both in diapers), who is also the son to the detective John works with for the past 10 years was ran over. He was life flighted and passed away yesterday. He was 7 years old! I am so sad. He was the sweetest little boy. Abby just adored him. When the bigger kids would pick on Abby, he was always right there to help her out. It is just so sad! I can't imagine going through what his parents are going through right now. Landon's neck was broken as well as his top vertabrae in his back. He had bleeding in the brain and was non responsive. They kept him on life support long enough to donate his organs. I just can't get over that Landon is gone. So hug your little ones. Those days that they are driving you crazy just be happy that they are there to drive you crazy.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers day

Saturday Abby and I ran some errands. The mall was having childrens day to get ready for fair season. So we played some games. One was the nickle dash, which I don't know why they called it that because there was more than just nickles. Abby had a blast and came out with tons of candy and over $13 in change!

Today we took John out for breakfast and then I ran to work for a few hours. Then I picked Abby up and we went to the park and had ice cream so Dad could have some quiet time. Tonight we had dinner and then played some games. Now I am trying to get Abby to sleep.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Life has been so hectic lately! I worked over 12 hours just today! UGH! Plus Abby has had swimming lessons every night. The 3rd night she finally jumped off the diving board. WOO HOO! She is doing pretty well in swimming lessons and she loves to swim!

Hopefully it will be a quiet weekend so I can get some stuff done around here. I did do a new page for scrapping. They had a new embelleshments and such that I just loved. So this is what I came up with.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I think I need to change the name of my blog to "My Life with the demon child!"

She is driving me nuts! We are back to temper tantrums over everything! Crying over EVERYTHING! Everything is "Not Fair" "Your Mean!" What will it be like with she is a teenager! UGH!
Saturday morning we all went to garage sales. We gave her $3 to spend. Which she did rather quickly. She didn't do too bad the rest of that time. Then the plan was to go home and have lunch and then we were going to pick up her friend Mackinzie and take them both to the circus. We got Mackinzie and got to the circus and it down poured! We were soaked! The rain would just not let up. So we decided to leave and all go bowling instead. It was a lot of fun but Abby must have been getting tired because she was mad when she didn't get a pin, when she wasn't first and so on. Mackinzie is an extremely nice polite child. I wish Abby would behave like her! We bowled 2 games and then took Mackinzie home. The rest of the night and today has consisted of Abby whining, complaining and throwing a tantrum over everything. She has been in time out countless times and has lost her television. I am at my wits end! This better be a quick phase!
Tomorrow she starts her excellerated reading program and swimming lessons. So John will take her to the school for the reading program. I will pick her up at lunch, we will come home and have lunch. John will take her to Sherry's and then I will pick her up there and come home put on swimming suit and go to swimming lessons. This will be everyday for 2 weeks. She will be tired! I also have my yearly OB appt tomorrow. WOO HOO! NOT! Hopefully all goes well.

Well I better post bowling pics and head to bed!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Catching up on my scrapbooking. Here is one for Easter