Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Where did December go?

I know I have been horrible this month! But so much has happened! Abby got sick with a horrible cold and ear infection. So we took her to the DR and she got an antibiotic. 10 days later she is still sick. We get a call from school to come and get her because she says her ear hurts. So John goes to get her and takes her to the DR. He takes one look at it and say her ear drum is about to burst. After looking at her chronic ear infection history he gives her a stronger antibiotic and tells us we need to see and ENT about tubes. UGH! I tried this with our last ped and he said she didn't need them even though we couldn't go a whole month without an ear infection! So John gets the antibiotic and takes her home to ear a message from the ENT's office saying the DR called and they needed to see her right away. So John takes her to the ENT. 2 DR's in one day was way to traumatic for my little petrified princess. The ENT took one look at her and said we should hold off on the tubes and have her tonsils and adnoids removed. Her tonsils, even when not infected, cover 2/3 of her airway and is the cause for her snoring and poor sleeping. Finally an answer to why my 5 year old has only slept throught the night a handful of times! He said that it is probably why her ears do not drain properly. So we think ok we will get this done in January after the holidays. But the next day the surgery center is calling to schedule her for DECEMBER 28th! AHHHHHHH!!! They think they need to come out right away! So last week she had to go get a blood draw in which she screamed so loud I am sure an earthquake happened somewhere. She also walked around with her arm straight for 2 days! So we did not tell her about the surgery. We didn't want to ruin her Christmas plus have her stress and freak out for a week! So Christmas happens and it was the best Christmas ever. She was so excited! She did get the throw ups Saturday night but that ended by Sunday morning. John then got it Sunday night. UGH! But Sunday we had John's family over for Christmas. Abby had so much fun. We had to check out the norad website about 5o times. After everybody left and we got stuff cleaned up somewhat. She asked to check it again so we did. She just freaked out! She said "He is getting close! I need to get to bed!" She was out by 8:15!!!!! WOO HOO! So we got everything moved down. What a spoiled child! She first woke up at 1am. Just begging to go down and just check to see if Santa arrived. "She said it was driving her crazy!" LOL I got her back to bed and fell back asleep only to have John get up at 2am sick. So he went to the recliner. I fell back asleep and Abby was back in at 4am. She just KNOWS he has been there and we need to get up and go see. I try to explain it is too early. I finally get her back to sleep next to me at 5am. I wake up at 6:30 to go potty and try to hold it because I know she will get up as soon as I do. So I hold off until 7am. I am not in the bathroom 2 seconds and she is up. So we get Daddy and go down. She was so happy to see that Santa had eaten her cookies and had left her a note. She loved everything she got and was so dramatic with everything. Her favorites are her castle, her pink keyboard, her princess pillow, her Polly Pockets and her ultimate favorite is her white teddy bear that lights up with a magic wand. She begged for 3 months for that! She loves it!
So now here we are the night before surgery. We told her tonight and she is petrified. She screamed and cried that she is just not going to go. So tomorrow could be very interesting! I can't get out of my head all the days and nights of her laying in the NICU. I know this is different and pretty routine but I can't help going back to those days. So please say a prayer for my little princess tomorrow.

I better post this one before I loose it. I will post some pics next.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


We are finally all done Christmas shopping!! WOO HOO! Including stocking stuffers!!! This is a new record for us!!! Saturday we dropped off Abby at my Mom's and John and I spent the day shopping. It was great! First it was nice to go to stores with out somebody begging at every store for a toy and for John and I to spend some time together. It was been quite some time that we have had the day together. Abby had a blast playing at Grandma's. Plus Taelyr, Kaelyn and Jaemee were there. So she got to spend time with her cousins.
Today we just did some cleaning and I got everybodies stockings made that will be here Christmas day. Plus Abby, John and I worked on a project with Abby. We painted Christmas ornaments. She loves to paint.
It was a great weekend I just wished it would last longer. Back to work tomorrow. UGH!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Well the end of a long weekend! I could still use a couple more days! Thursday we went to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner. It was delish! It was nice seeing everybody and the two new babies.
Friday John, my great hubby, got up at 4:30 am to battle the black friday sales! What a man! He went to Walmart first and got the stuff we needed there. Then he headed to Menards. We now have enough AA batteries to last a very looooooooooong time! LOL! But you can't pass them up when you get 40 of them for $2! We also bought Abby a digital camera. Maybe she will leave mine alone! We plan on putting it in her stocking. We then decorated for Christmas. I can't even tell you how excited Abby is! I think it would be a long month! LOL Actually a few days before Thanksgiving she asked if we could call Santa and have him move Christams to Thanksgiving and we could have Thanksgiving when we would normally have Christmas. I tried explaining to her that we had Christmas when we did because it was Jesus' birthday. SHe didn't think He would mind having his birthday early! LOL! So when that didn't work I told her that Santa was just not ready. She still thinks he could just bring her stuff! LOL
Saturday we just hung out and Abby went to girl scouts. But not enough girls showed up so they canceled the meeting. I was quite irked but that is another story! You would think she would have checked with the parents the meeting prior to see wh0 could make it. Abby was quite upset because she loves girl scouts. So we went to the park and library. Today we went to see Happy Feet. I don't think we will be buying that one! Not at all what I expected! That was pretty much it other than the normal laundry and cleaning. I will post a few pics.

Sunrise in Nebraska

All the grandkids--ALL GIRLS!

Our Christmas village

Our Christmas Tree

Abby at the park

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Boy I am bad at this!

Halloween was great. Abby had so much fun. I will post some pics shortly.

She has been so mouthy lately. I really hope this phase ends soon. I told her the other day that she better start watching out because Santa was watching her and may not come if she is naughty. Her reply was"Oh well there is always next year!" LOL! I about died! So I don't think that threat will work anymore. She did go to see Santa Saturday. She actually sat on his lap this year! This is the first time since she was 4 months old! She actually sat that quite some time. So I just kept snapping pictures. I think I will use one of them for the Christmas cards. I am just not sure which one yet though.

The other day Abby announced she decided she wanted to be a "venerian" when she grows up. I asked her if she knew what that was. She gave me the "well duh Mommy" look and said yes it is a DR for animals. I said that would be good. But then she said that "I just don't want to work on tigers." LOL! I about fell over. I told her that was fine. The next day she announces she has changed her mind. She says she wants to be an illustrator. So I asked her if she knew what that was. Again I get the "well duh Mommy" look, and she says that it is the person who draws and colors the pictures in books. I said that sounded fun. She said "It would be easy! I already know how to color and draw!" LOL So who knows what she will change to next.

Well this will be yet another busy week. I turn a year old tomorrow. UGH! Wednesday I go to my nephrologist to see how the kidneys are doing. Hopefully I have not lost any more function!

Well I better get going. Here are some pics....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pumpkin time--but a princess doesn't touch the guts!

It was a pretty quiet weekend. The temps were in the 30's and we even had some snow flurries. So Saturday we did some cleaning and just plaid games. You will notice in some of the pics I post that Abby is pretty unkept compared to her norm. But we let her stay in pajamas most of the day. We carved pumpkins to add to the painted ones she had done the week prior. Of course Miss Priss would not touch the pumpkin guts. We have yet to get her to touch them. Every year we try but she just won't do it. Then Sunday I took her to Culver's for their Halloween party. She had a lot of fun there.
Now tomorrow is Monday again. It is red ribbon week for Abby. She is freaking out about it because when we explained what it was for she is now paranoid that drugs are going to get her. Cripes! She even freaked when I took my prescription meds! I can only imagine how she will handle this week! I just can't get over how overly sensitive she is. Well I better get done and get to bed! 5:3o comes too quick!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Life with a Princess

Well yet another busy weekend gone by! Friday we went and bought Abby new shoes. She is finally in a size 10. Eventually we will get out of the toddler shoes and into the "cool" shoes. Saturday I ran to a couple garage sales in the morning and then did some housework. Then we headed over to Abby's girl scouts pinning. She is officially a girl scout! We then went to Walmart for groceries and then out for dinner, which Abby did not even eat one bite! UGH! I swear it is a waste of money to buy her a meal. Sunday we went to John's sister, Rhonda for a family turkey dinner. YUMMMMMMMMM! That was about it. I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already! Abby has parent - teacher conferences at 5:20 tomorrow. Hopefully all goes well. (crossing my fingers!)

Saturday, October 07, 2006


5 years ago tomorrow, Oct 8th, is when we brought Abby home from the NICU! I can hardly believe it has been 5 years! We plan on taking her out to a movie tomorrow. We always do a little celebration with just the 3 of us each year.

5 years ago...

catching up!

I have been so bad at this!

Ok what has been going on....
Abby loves kindergarten. We have parent teacher conferences on the 16th. I am so nervous! Most of the stuff she brings home she was doing 2 years ago! So I hope she is not getting to bored. She does love the sign language and spanish. She is constantly showing us new signs she has learned. She also keeps telling us we need to talk to her in sign language. I think we better take a class!

Wednesday I fell and hurt my ankle. I went to the DR and they took some xrays and said it looked like a severe sprain. So they put me in a air cast brace. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! Then we got a call today saying the radiologist reviewed my x rays and actually found a small fracture. OH GREAT! So now I need to be extra careful and keep the brace on for a longer period of time.

Today I bought my first item on QVC! I finally bought a new camera. I have been wanting a new one for quite some time but when I saw the deal on QVC I couldn't resist. I can hardly wait to get it. Now to avoid late night QVC shopping! I am already an Ebay addict! LOL

Abby's school had family night a last friday so we all went to the pumpkin patch. It was a lot of fun. I will attach some pics.

Next Saturday she has her pinning at girl scouts. She is really enjoying girl scouts and her best friend Jacy joined her troop so that even made it better.

Daddy and Abby have fallen asleep together in our bed so I better get Abby carried off to bed. I will try to get better at this and post more often!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Pictures from her party

Abby's Birthday Party

It has been so busy since my last post. Abby got sick with strep throat and had to go to the ER for a high dosage shot. :( She finally went back to school on Friday. Nothing like missing 2 days of school in the first 2 weeks! UGH! I wish her immune system would build up!

Then Sunday we had her birthday party with our families. She made quite the haul! She is so spoiled! My Dad walked in and said we forgot to put up the Christmas tree! LOL! Then Sunday night we hired a babysitter for the very first time!! WOO HOO! We went to an outdoor concert of REO Speedwagon! Talk about a flashback! It was a blast! Now maybe we can do the babysitter a little more often.

This week we have Abby's actual birthday on Thursday. That night she has her school carnival. Then Saturday we have her birthday party with her friends.

So off for another busy week!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Daisy Girl Scout

Saturday we signed Abby up for Daisy Girl Scouts! I am so excited! I loved being in the Girl Scouts as a little girl. Her first meeting is in a few weeks!

It will be so good for her plus get her involved with more little girls on the weekends.
Some of my favorite pictures!

Finally Starting!

Ok I am finally going to start this! First a little about my life with a princess. My name is Shelley and I am married to my soul mate, John. We were married Sept 16th 2000. We started to try to conceive right away and on March 6, 2001 we finally got our +!!!! Who knew how much our lives would change! Complications started at the beginning of my 2nd trimester and was put on bed rest. After countless specialist and hospital stays Abigail was born Sept 7th 2001 after I was life flighted and went in for emergency c-section. She was born 8 weeks early weighing 3lbs 8oz 16in long. She spent 31 days in the NICU. But we finally made it home. She will now be 5 in just about 2 weeks. Where did my baby go? She is the light of my life and she is a true princess! I just can't get over how girly this child is!
She just started kindergarten a week ago. Very traumatic for both of us! She is such a worry wart and very shy. Her comment the night before was "They aren't going to know my name and I will be to shy to tell them!" So I mentioned that they might have you where name tags. But my smart little bugger replied "But Mom, we are only in kindergarten! We don't know how to read!" LOL! I swear this child is too smart for her own good. But she loves kindergarten and absolutly loves learing sign language! Every night we go over sign language and the new signs she has learned.

Well that is a little bit about me!