Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Ok I read your blog Heather and thought it was a cute idea...

The instructions were simple - you'd think they were simple, at least!All I had to do was open the sixth file and post the sixth picture and blog about it. Well, I open my pictures and find the sixth file and this is the sixth picture:

This was taken about 2 years ago at a local park. Abby loved feeding the ducks. We used to stop every week at the bread store and pick up a loaf of bread out and feed the ducks. This was one of my favorite outfits on her and I loved her pink sunglasses.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

I will take the terrible 2's over this...

Whoever said terrible twos were the worst didn't have the Sassy Sevens yet! I have had it! We were doing good for about 2 weeks and then all of the sudden this weekend hit and it hit hard! Saturday morning I had a meeting for work and we planned on going to Sioux City after that. Abby woke up a little after 6 which is way too early for her on the weekends! But I thought, or hoped, she would relax until I got back from my meeting and would be in a good mood to go to Sioux City. Boy was I wrong! It was attitude after attitude. Her manners were horrible and no matter what we said she did the opposite. We finally got home about 8:30 and she went to bed after I told her she was not to get out of bed before 7:30am. She gets up again right after 6. Again all day she was a bear! We made her take rest time from 1-2 hoping that would help. She laid on her bed for an hour reading and was ok for about an hour after. Then the attitude started back up. I can't even tell you how many times today I have heard how mean I am. This is ridiculous! What happened to my nice sweet little girl? I am sure a lot of this has to do with her lack of sleep but what do I do to keep her in bed later on the weekends?
Tommorrow night we have parent teacher conferences. I am sure I will hear what a sweet child she is. Does a different kid come home from school? Is my child wandering the halls at night while I get this sassy seven year old instead? I have no idea what to do anymore! I am at my wits end!

Sunday, February 01, 2009


His surgery is scheduled for March 17th right now. We don't know a time yet so we don't know if we will have to go down the night before yet or not.

I think we will stay at Beau and Erin's. That way we don't have to pay for a hotel the entire time. Rhonda will come down the day of surgery also so she will help entertain Abby and keep me sane. I just need to get some projects and shows recorded for Abby between now and then. She will get bored fast!

Saturday Abby woke up at 6AM! My noon she was a bear! After several temper tantrums she lost her television until noon Sunday and had to go to bed at 7pm. She actually fell asleep fast. Then John and I played the Wii. I love Mario Kart. He then went to watch a movie while I played. We played more today and were able to open more tracks. It is amazing the muscles you use and the graphics on these games. Then I have been doing my work. UGH! Hopefully things will be a little saner this week.