Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Ok I read your blog Heather and thought it was a cute idea...

The instructions were simple - you'd think they were simple, at least!All I had to do was open the sixth file and post the sixth picture and blog about it. Well, I open my pictures and find the sixth file and this is the sixth picture:

This was taken about 2 years ago at a local park. Abby loved feeding the ducks. We used to stop every week at the bread store and pick up a loaf of bread out and feed the ducks. This was one of my favorite outfits on her and I loved her pink sunglasses.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

I will take the terrible 2's over this...

Whoever said terrible twos were the worst didn't have the Sassy Sevens yet! I have had it! We were doing good for about 2 weeks and then all of the sudden this weekend hit and it hit hard! Saturday morning I had a meeting for work and we planned on going to Sioux City after that. Abby woke up a little after 6 which is way too early for her on the weekends! But I thought, or hoped, she would relax until I got back from my meeting and would be in a good mood to go to Sioux City. Boy was I wrong! It was attitude after attitude. Her manners were horrible and no matter what we said she did the opposite. We finally got home about 8:30 and she went to bed after I told her she was not to get out of bed before 7:30am. She gets up again right after 6. Again all day she was a bear! We made her take rest time from 1-2 hoping that would help. She laid on her bed for an hour reading and was ok for about an hour after. Then the attitude started back up. I can't even tell you how many times today I have heard how mean I am. This is ridiculous! What happened to my nice sweet little girl? I am sure a lot of this has to do with her lack of sleep but what do I do to keep her in bed later on the weekends?
Tommorrow night we have parent teacher conferences. I am sure I will hear what a sweet child she is. Does a different kid come home from school? Is my child wandering the halls at night while I get this sassy seven year old instead? I have no idea what to do anymore! I am at my wits end!

Sunday, February 01, 2009


His surgery is scheduled for March 17th right now. We don't know a time yet so we don't know if we will have to go down the night before yet or not.

I think we will stay at Beau and Erin's. That way we don't have to pay for a hotel the entire time. Rhonda will come down the day of surgery also so she will help entertain Abby and keep me sane. I just need to get some projects and shows recorded for Abby between now and then. She will get bored fast!

Saturday Abby woke up at 6AM! My noon she was a bear! After several temper tantrums she lost her television until noon Sunday and had to go to bed at 7pm. She actually fell asleep fast. Then John and I played the Wii. I love Mario Kart. He then went to watch a movie while I played. We played more today and were able to open more tracks. It is amazing the muscles you use and the graphics on these games. Then I have been doing my work. UGH! Hopefully things will be a little saner this week.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grandpa is doing well. Grandma looks tired but so far so good. It was nice finally getting over there to see him.

Otherwise life has been hectic as usual. Tuesday night is dance night. Abby loves it. She fights going at first because she might miss something on TV(ADDICT!) But she always has so much fun. She is battling a cold but hopefully it will end soon. We are still dealing with attitude. We had a family meeting the other night and told her we would not put up with it. We explained how we should all act and that is what is expected. We also told her if she does not act like she is suppose to there will be consequences. She has gotten a little better. She blew a gasket last night and lost her TV for today. She was much better today. We also put in affect that the TV goes off at 7:30. She then needs to read and get ready for bed. She did good with that tonight. It is 8:05 and she is in bed! Hopefully she will get up better in the morning.

We also found out this week that John has to have back surgery in March. It will be in Omaha so I will have to take some time off from work. We will probably have to keep Abby out of school during that time since we don't have anybody that can stay with her. We will talk to her teachers in a couple weeks during conferences. John will have to be off for about 2 weeks afterwards.

Other than that not much going on. Hopefully Saturday we get a bunch of cleaning done. I told everybody it was Ullrich family cleaning day. We so need to get organized again!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


My grandpa got out of the hospital Saturday afternoon. He is doing really well. He is very frustrated that he is not independent again yet but he will get there. He can't use his arm muscles because of the opening his chest. So pushing himself out of a chair and going to the bathroom he has to be helped. My Dad and Uncle are taking turns spending the night to help him and Grandma out. We are going over next weekend since a cold hit me this weekend. He will have a long recovery but they think he is doing exceptionally well for his age.
Mom is still doing her treatments. She has several weeks to go and then hopefully she will be done. They are talking about another possible surgery if the pain does not go away.
As for us we are ok. John is getting over strep throat from last week, I am not battling a cold and Abby is still as sassy as always. She is driving me nuts with the back talk and the not listening. UGH!

Oh and the snow melted some this weekend. We actually hit above 30 degrees! WOO HOO! It is like a heat wave!! Hopefully it continues.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A bad start of 2009!

I certainly hope 2009 improves!

Well 2008 ended with all the drama with my Mom. She continues to get IV treatments at the emergency room twice a day. She has 3 weeks left of that. She may also have to have another surgery. Then last week my Grandma had her uterus removed. She thought she was done with it. LOL! I guess it was slipping and they thought it would just be best to remove it. She is doing fine. Then Sunday my 81 year old grandfather thought he should shovel some snow off the sidewalk so the farm cats paws would not be so cold when they ate. He ended up with chest pains and my Dad took him to the hospital. They did some testing and today he had open heart surgery, quadruple bypass! He is doing well so far. They are waiting for him to wake up yet then last I talked to Mom. He will be in intensive care for a couple days and then will move him to a room. So we plan on going over Saturday. My grandparents are unbelievable people. They just celebrated their 61st anniversary on January 6th. They both turn 82 this spring but you would never guess it looking at them or with all the activity they do. When Grandma had her uterus removed the DR said she had the body of a 60 year old.

My grandparents...

Oh and it is 27 degrees below 0 currently and this is warm to what they say tomorrow is suppose to be like. I HATE WINTER!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I hate winter STILL!

I know I have mentioned by dislike for winter but let me say if I have any day like this one we will move south! It started out with a nice 37 degree day. Then all hell broke loose. We had a light snow, still not bad. Then the 50 mph winds picked up so we had complete white out conditions. I left work about 3pm to pick Abby up from school. My office is 2 miles outside of town. I nearly went in the ditch, got hit head on, and nearly rear ended somebody. I could not see the hood of my van! It was horrible. It wasn't nearly as bad in town but still bad. I was never so happy to be home! Roads are closed all over. There is now a wind chill advisory out. I hate WINTER! SPRING WHERE ARE YOU????

These were taken where the buildings block so the wind.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 2009!

Where did 2008 go? I swear it just started!
Yes we are boring people. We went out for dinner New Years Eve. Then we stopped at the store for last minute snacks and went home. We played the Wii and watched WallE. Or I should say John and Abby watched WallE while I fell asleep. I swear I can't watch a movie without falling asleep! Abby and I went to bed at 9pm! Yes Party poopers! But 2009 will happen whether I am asleep in bed or asleep in the chair. I just as well be comfortable! :)

New Years day we just hung out and took the Christmas decorations down. Why does taking them down take 5 hours?!? It was really nice just being able to relax! Today Abby had her friend Jacy over for the afternoon. They had a blast playing the Wii and with all the toys. Abby's room is once again destroyed but at least they had fun. Jacy did ask Abby if she was spoiled this much because she didn't have any brothers and sisters. LOL! Abby would love to have a sibling and loves Jacy's little brother and sister and Jacy thinks they are more trouble than they are worth. I guess it is all about the amount of time you spend with them and always wanting what the other has.
My goals for 2009 is to be more organized! We will see how long that lasts.

Here are a few pics from the last couple weeks...

Abby in her Hannah Montana chair

Abby rocking out with her new pink guitar

Abby and her snowman

Snow angels