Sunday, December 21, 2008

Week from HELL!

We got over 10 inches of snow Thursday night/Friday. We have beyond frigid temps. My Grandmothers Christmas was cancelled due to white out conditions and my Mom was taken to the hospital by ambulance! My Mom had back surgery shortly before Thanksgiving. They had to fuse part of her lower back together. They told her recovery would be about 6 months. My Mom is not one to lay still so I am sure she has not followed all of the doctors instructions. She seemed to be doing ok until she started to get this pain down her leg. She thought she had over done it with Christmas shopping. So she tried to take it easy and then Friday night she couldn't even walk the pain was so bad. Dad called the ambulance. She was taken to the hospital and did an MRI. They thought spinal fluid had leaked or she had an infection. If it was infection she would have to have surgery and they would have to scrape the infection off. UGH! They first tried by using a needle to remove some of the spinal fluid. They would then test the spinal fluid for bacteria. So Saturday they did that. By Saturday evening she was feeling no difference. Sunday she got the test results back that there was no bacteria in the spinal fluid. So now she is going back into surgery tomorrow to find out what is going on. So I am going to try to get off work early tomorrow to run and see her. She told the DR she didn't care what he did as long as she was home for Christmas. DR told her that she shouldn't count on that. My Mom is a Chrismas fanatic, as you know! We are suppose to go there Christmas day. So now I have no idea what is going on and I LIVE by a plan! We were not able to go over to see her all weekend due to the white out. UGH! I HATE WINTER! Friday Rhonda and Gregg are coming and staying until Sunday. We have Christmas here on Saturday. I feel I have 10,000 things left to do and I am running out of time. All the presents are wrapped and everything is decorated. Groceries are bought so I am sure we will survive but the house is not perfect. I know no body will care if they find a crumb on the carpet or that not all trash containers are not completely empty but I do! Plus AF is starting and I don't have time for her either! BAH HUMBUG!

1 comment:

Heather said...

OH. Man!! I'm so sorry about your mom!! I hope things go just smoothly and she'll be as good as new really soon!! I'll think about ya this week as I DO NOT vaccuum!!! ;)